Possessing the Pen
Sometimes when I am alone, I reflect on the chapters of my life. This novel called life is not finished; in fact it may just be getting started. Yet already it is filled with thousands of lines that tell stories of trouble, and stories of beauty. I don't imagine my book is much different from others--pages filled with narratives of histories depicting the emotional roller-coasters we ride where some lines are neatly written and others include disorganized scribbling and perhaps goofy pictures. But that's the beauty of life, it has its dark days which make us appreciate the sunny days, and the sunny days push us to do what it takes to avoid the dark days.
We are indeed the authors of our books, but we have limitations. We can't change what's been written, and often times outsiders scribble things in our books we cannot erase. Some of us even make the mistake of allowing others to write for us. But I wonder, can a story ever truly be yours if you allow someone else to write it for you? I think not. Certainly others can share their own stories with us so that we may learn from their experiences. But ultimately we must direct our own paths.
I wonder how my own book will end. What section of the universal library will it be placed in? Science-fiction? Mystery? Poetry? Self-Help? Romance? Perhaps it will be so complicated that they'll be forced to print multiple copies of it and distribute it to all the sections that apply. One things for sure, the story shall be one of perseverance.
Life has its ups and downs. We get our fair share of cuts and bruises. We sometimes encounter characters that beat us down and stand in between us and our destiny. And in the midst of writing our novels, we come up against things that make us want to put the pen down. But through it all we must learn to heal, to continue moving forward in hopes of writing better chapters.
We must stretch our minds and our hearts to look beyond the darkness of this world and to see the magical fairy tales that exist all around us. We must humble ourselves and allow the silence of the moment to heal us. Have faith in the future, have faith in ourselves that we may pick up the pen and continue writing, continue living. Be not afraid, be not weary, for you hold the power to write in your hand.