Don't Dim Your Light For Anyone...
Because several people have come to me over the last two weeks for advice on managing the shifting energies of friends and family, I felt the need to pause for a moment to encourage any and everyone who reads this to resist the temptation to dim your light for anyone who can't handle the brightness that is your glory. Whether you are celebrating a promotion, getting fit or simply wearing a smile more often, you may notice that some people within your circle shy away from you when you are at your brightest moments.
Like most people, you might be susceptible to allowing such energy and passive judgment to influence the way you see yourself. You may talk about your wins less or shift your focus from holding onto your joy to trying to figure out how you can support others. Worst of all, you may spend so much time and energy trying to convince others of their greatness that you forget to cultivate your own.
If you are moving up and perhaps closer to your destiny you may very well be forcing those around you to reflect on their own lives and in doing so they may find moments of discomfort as they see the life they want and the life they live.
It can be a painful and hard-hitting process and in your journey, some folks may decide that you're walking too quickly or heading in a direction that's not for them and they'll decide to walk away from you. If you're susceptible to dimming your light, you're also prone to chasing after folks who want you to run toward them and away from your purpose.
I say to you, resist! I dare you to have the audacity to rebel. I encourage and challenge you to stand firm in your own truth and light and be not afraid of losing those who would rather see you remain hurt, remain penniless, remain under-employed, remain single, all because they're afraid your change might change something in them.
When you are in someone's home and you walk into a room that is too bright, perhaps there is a switch that allows you to dim the light or turn it off completely. The walking away, the constant reminders of the times you were broken, the cries for attention and time, are all tactics people use to manipulate the brightness of your light.
The next time someone tells you your light is too bright; the next time they try to convince you to fear the impossible, you tell them that your destiny has no switch. Tell them your purpose cannot be dimmed nor damaged.
Tell them that you know and affirm who you are and that you don't fear your own light because it is indeed your ultimate gift, your most prized blessing.
Tell them that you are not a room with a light switch, but a human being with a unique assignment.
You tell them if they can't handle your brightness then they ought to look away. Don't dim your light for anyone! Shine on!